

Intelligent Control (IC)

Gain greater control of your solar and battery system.

Amber and Evergen are committed to accelerating Australia’s transition to renewable energy.

Our cloud-based software Intelligent Control, leverages advanced machine learning to maximise your energy savings, delivering an optimised battery operation plan by predicting when your stored energy will save you the most money. This takes into consideration how you consume your electricity, the weather, predicted solar production and your electricity tariff.



Watch how Intelligent Control is the missing piece to optimising your home solar and battery system that will improve your return on investment significantly. Plus there is no cost to you!


Save on average, an additional 26.4%* off your electricity bills


Track your solar, battery and grid energy consumption at any point in the day through the Evergen app and web portal


Unlock the wholesale energy market and supercharge your savings with the Amber and Evergen partnership


Buy low. Sell high.

It’s time to turn your energy savings into earnings. Draw power from the grid when energy prices are low, and export your unused stored power when they’re high to maximise your savings and earn the same rate for your power as the big generators.


Better for batteries

Combining real-time control and wholesale prices, Evergen and Amber help you get more from your battery - empowering you to save by also pushing renewables into the grid at the time when it’s valued most.


Cheaper on average

Customers with access to the wholesale market have lower electricity costs every month. Exposure to high prices are an opportunity to sell your solar generation at premium prices and Evergen's software automatically does this trading for you. We can predict with high price events are going to occur, and trade your battery accordingly.

*26.4% on average saving is indicative only and can vary depending on the country, state/province, energy retailer, tariff type, system size, solar shading, home usage patterns and a variety of other factors. Due to the complexity of the energy market and the optimisation software of solar battery systems, Evergen does not guarantee or warrant systems performance or savings.

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